Our Aproach.

Place Creative is a team of Place Strategists, led by our values to advance a more inclusive future for our places. We collaborate with organisations and communities, using internationally recognised methodologies to develop research and engagement that delivers long-term, impact-driven change.

By undertaking a deep assessment of each project or challenge, we unpack what needs to be done to change systems and encourage innovation, from the ground up.

Our practice consists of fundamental elements:

Place Exploration.

We identify and articulate the local people-ecosystem, research and review context, to develop the right process, roles + responsibilities, team structure, and methodology for place-based projects.
  • Research Planning
  • Data Collection
  • Context Analysis
  • Insights Development
  • Stakeholder Mapping + Prioritisation
  • Monitoring + Evaluation

Place Change.

We apply systems-thinking to engage and understand unique perspectives, to affect behaviour change.
  • Strategic Communication
  • Reputation Analysis

Place Collective.

We build trust and reputations, and robust relationships with the collaborators and experts we connect into each project, embedding their diverse skill sets throughout.
  • Trust + Influence Analysis
  • Brokering Relationships
  • Team Structure

Place Action.

We use our 10+ years of delivering on-the-ground change and apply what we learn in different contexts to inform processes and tools, enabling capability-building within teams.
  • Tactical Urbanism 

  • Placemaking 

  • Project Management
  • Capacity Building

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